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Niamh L.
Från nullkr SEK /timme

Om Niamh

24 år Talar Engelska
I would love to work with you and your family if you feel like I would be a good match. I am 21 years old born and raised Co. Galway in the west of Ireland. I am in my final year of a bachelor degree in children studies. I have work experience in schools, crèche. As I come form a large family - 7 children I have tons of experience in all areas and with all age groups. I have regularly babysat my won siblings, family friends, cousins etc and also worked with families through other people and businesses. I have great experiences in all age groups as I said so nappies, potty training and all of that don't phase me anymore! I am very happy to do housework, cleaning, washing, homework, cooking - I love baking and cooking! and any other chores/help you may need done. I also have huge interest in arts and crafts, playing, outdoor sports and activities, swimming, cycling, walking and anything your child(ren) have interest in or with to learn. I hope to begin working with my host family between may and August 2022 and stay for 1-3 months. I hope to act as a big sister to the family and make it feel less like work but rather fun, to make new friends and memories.
Icke-rökare Bekväm med husdjur


Småbarn (1-3 år)
Spädbarn (under 12 månader)
Tonåring (12 år och uppåt)
Grundskolsålder (7-11 år)
Förskoleålder (4-6 år)
Har erfarenhet av tvillingar/trillingar

Vad jag kan göra

Lättare hushållsarbete
Nattning av barn
Matlagning / Förberedelse av måltid
Hämtning / lämning
Visa mer

