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Laura D.
Från nullkr SEK /timme

Om Laura

20 år Talar Engelska Danska
My name is Laura, and I am writing to express my interest in becoming your au pair. My work has given me a lot of different skills such as communicating and being patient with a lot of different people. When im not working I love to spend time with my friends and family.I am very excited about the opportunity to spend time France and become a part of your family. I have always had a great love for children and have extensive experience in childcare. I love to play, learn, and explore the world with children, and I believe I can bring a lot of joy and positive energy into your daily life. I speak Danish, English and some French which I hope can be an advantage for both you and the children in terms of learning
Icke-rökare Bekväm med husdjur


Förskoleålder (4-6 år)
Småbarn (1-3 år)
Tonåring (12 år och uppåt)
Grundskolsålder (7-11 år)

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