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Aisling K.
Från nullkr SEK /timme

Om Aisling

25 år Talar Tyska Engelska
Hi, I am Aisling and I am from the United Kingdom and Ireland nationality. I have been an au pair , nanny for a couple of years now and have broad experience with families. I am a mature, responsible and cheerful person with excellent childcare skills and a Certificate in Children's Services. Additionally, I have a Blue Card as well as my First Aid and CPR Certificate. During school I studied and completed a Certificate III Children's Services. I absolutely adored my job, my hands-on experience has allowed me to build confidence with being around children and elders and also helped me achieve skills in organizing and planning whilst remaining adaptable and flexible. I like to always keep busy, am not afraid of hard work and I am able to work any kind of hours that may be required for your family. I'm more than happy to take on any kind of average to heavy housework/chores. I love cooking all types of food and I'm also willing to learn any other meals the family would like me to make. I have always been a very tidy person and will always follow and respect all the family house rules. By nature, I am a very social, outgoing person who is easy to get along with and I love meeting new people.
Icke-rökare Bekväm med husdjur


Småbarn (1-3 år)
Spädbarn (under 12 månader)
Grundskolsålder (7-11 år)
Förskoleålder (4-6 år)
Har erfarenhet av tvillingar/trillingar
Har erfarenhet av vårdomsorg

Vad jag kan göra

Lättare hushållsarbete
Nattning av barn
Matlagning / Förberedelse av måltid
Hämtning / lämning
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Certifikat för hjärt-lungräddning
Utbildning inom personlig assistans
Första hjälpen-certifikat
Barnvårdare för småbarn
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