I've been around animals for many, many years and just love them. I currently own and care for a rescue horse, goats, a turkey, chickens and cats. I have previously also either owned or frequently been around both large and small dogs including; Siberian Huskies, German Shepherds, St. Bernards, French Bulldogs, Lhasa Apsos. I am...
In 2024 how much does a pet sitter cost in Madras, OR?
Hiring a pet sitter in Madras, OR will cost an average of $14.00 per hour as of November, 2024. This pet sitting rate will vary depending on the services needed, the number of pets to be cared for, and the total amount of hours per day/week. Some pet sitters will charge a fixed rate per day if full-time care is requested. You can connect with pet sitters in Madras that match your needs and discuss a rate that is suitable for both.
What type of local pet sitting services are available in 2024?
Pet sitters in Madras, OR can offer different services, but the most common ones are pet sitting in your own home and dog walking. You can find pet sitters who can care for different types of pets, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, or even guinea pigs.
How can I find a local pet sitter near me?
You can filter and sort local pet sitter profiles by distance from Madras. Compare your options by reading about their experience, services they provide, and reviews from other pet parents. There are currently 1 pet sitters in Madras, OR, although you can expand the radius of your search if you'd like to increase your options.