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I am willing to help with any needs that are needed to help a person get by on daily life.
Jul 6th, 2011
Marianela has been a wonderful help to me. She is always professional, courteous and gets the job done no matter what I need help with. One of her most outstanding qualities is that she can make adjustments to situations and makes great decisions on her own without having to contact me about a sudden snag that comes up. It's like Marianela just "gets it". You can trust her to complete a task the way you want and handle anything that comes up along the way. She is an extremely high functioning, independent thinker. If anyone is looking for an incredible "right arm" to help with just about any task, I cannot think of anyone more qualified than Marianela. Linda I. Buena Park Engineer & widowed mother of one young child Write a Reply Characters Remaining5000 Hiring Tools View background check.Help the Community Write a review. Safety Tips: To protect your privacy, always send messages through Care.com. Do not send messages to personal email addresses and never share your email address. Be extra cautious if you receive messages offering employment or advance payment without an interview or a phone call. If you think the contents of this message are inappropriate in any way "whether it's spam, a scam, or suggestive "we'd like to know. Notify our Member Care team by clicking the Report icon at the top of this message. Remember, you can also run a background check on Marianela G. .
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