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Deja E.


Miami Gardens, FL


Hourly rate


Years exp.

Background Check

Meet Deja



Speaks Chinese, English, Sign Language (ASL)

Hi, I'm Deja and I use to work at different institutes working with trauma people, handicapped people, etc. I also started working as a nurse's aid taking...

Hi, I'm Deja and I use to work at different institutes working with trauma people, handicapped people, etc. I also started working as a nurse's aid taking care of both kids and adults with disabilities like autism, down syndrome, diabetes and more, I've fed them, bathe them, clothe them, took them for walks and to zoos so that they don't feel locked up or lonely, I even played games with them until it was time for them to go to bed.


  • Non-smoker
  • Comfortable with pets
  • Deja can also help with:

    House cleaning
    Meal preparation
    Medical transportation

    Verified information

    • Phone verified

    • Email verified

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