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Cameron S.


Spokane, WA


Hourly rate


Years exp.

Background Check

Meet Cameron

Speaks English

4yrs of paid experience in childcare, housekeeping, transportation, household management, errand running, packing for vacations, meal prepping.

4yrs of paid experience in childcare, housekeeping, transportation, household management, errand running, packing for vacations, meal prepping.


  • Non-smoker
  • House sitting
  • Provides transportation
  • Dry cleaning & laundry drop off
  • Post office drop off
  • Feed fish
  • Party helper: server, setup, etc.
  • Injury recovery: home help, general errands
  • Packing and unpacking
  • Mail/newspaper retrieval
  • Take out trash
  • Wait for cable or home services
  • Water plants
  • Grocery shopping
  • Returns & exchanges
  • Most recent review


    Tawnya C.

    Aug 28th, 2022

    How do I begin to adequately express my gratitude for Cameron!? Her help is life altering and changed my whole outlook and I have hope now for my quality of life. She is a quick worker and accomplishes a great deal in a short amount of time. She's amazing at organizing clutter. She happily does every task I ask her for including some of the jobs most people hate including myself, like cleaning out the fridge. She's not afraid to tackle any task. She's on time. She's non-judge mental. She's happy to help. She's kind. She's funny and her witty sense of humor keeps me laughing. She's the kind of person that you feel like you've known your whole life. I instantly have a bond with her like she's family. I completely trust her in every way. She's a remarkable young lady with a good head on her shoulders. She's very reliable and responsible and respectful. I truly feel she is the angel from God that I needed. And now she's a forever friend too. I'm so grateful. She's truly a blessing !

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    Southern New Hampshire University

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