Looking for a part time job like house cleaning, baby sitting and walking the dogs.
I am Resline, from Philippines and a student here in Norway.
I'm Looking for a part time job like house cleaning, baby sitting and walking the dogs. Me and my husband are also open to someone who can offer a free accommodation in exchange for help.
I will be available in a month.
Here are some of my experiences here:
Au pair (October ####-####)
Baby-sitting, making breakfast and dinner, light household chores.
I was taking care of a little girl since she was a month old until she
was two.
House Cleaner-Part-time (September 2019- February 2020)
Cleaning the whole house like washing the floor, cleaning the kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms, doing the laundry, changing bed linens and walking the two dogs as well.
It was only a 5-month long contract because I only relieved the cleaner for she just gave birth that time and had her vacation from work.
House cleaner/dog-sitter (March 2020- present)
Cleaning the whole house like washing the floor, cleaning the
kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms, doing the laundry, changing bed linens and walking the dog as well.