Marzena S.
5033 Bergen, Bergen
Fra 125kr
Om Marzena
46 år
Hi. I am Personlig Assistent/Carer, Nanny and Cleaner with several years of experience. I am sociable and trustworthy. I am caring and helpful. I have had previous experience of working with children with complex needs (statemented with Specific Learning Disability; Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties; Cerebral Palsy; Down’s Syndrome; Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties or Autism) in various SEN and mainstream schools in London and play centre “The Log Cabin Charity”. On top of experience in institutional environment, mentioned above, I have few years of experience in family home environment. I have good references from my workplaces.
Until 20.07.2020 I worked as a Teaching Assistant in a primary school in London (as 1:1 with a boy with cerebral palsy) and as a Personlig Assistent on Sundays and during school holidays. From 31.07.2020 I live in Bergen and I am looking for a job as Personlig Assistent/Carer, Nanny or Cleaner (anywhere in Norway). I just started to learn Norwegian. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards. Marzena
Vant med dyr
Kan tenke meg å bo med familien
Kan passe syke barn
Erfaring med omsorg for
Personer som bor med
Psykisk utviklingshemning
Omsorg for personer med spesielle behov
Stell og kroppsvask i seng
Vask og stell / personlig hygiene
Matlaging og tilberedning av måltider
Personlig hygiene (f.eks hjelp til vask, stell og påkledning)
Se mer
Opplæring med omsorg for handikappede
Gymnasium / videregående skole