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Beyene F.
7050 Trondheim, Trondheim
Fra 150kr /time
år med erfaring
Fra 150kr

Om Beyene

33 år Snakker Afrikaans Engelsk
I am applying for part time jobs in the cleaning services, company, industry, school, hotel, restaurant, institutes, kitchen/dish washing, packaging, processing, carrying, and cutting. I am applying to these jobs not because of my simple interest, but it is due to some experience I was working at a small restaurant, large restaurant Solomon Tamrat Hotel in Ethiopia in my locality for over two years and for better vision, and objective, customer satisfies, better quality, follow HSE principle and protect environmental impact. I had been doing cleaning and dish washing services in a kitchen for over two years. I am well familiar with hygiene, and sanitation so that halls, shopping house, the production company and industry, schools, hospitals, universities, service rooms, utensils, clothes, cooking materials, living rooms, bedrooms, bath and toilet rooms and personal hygiene should be cleaned and kept and make them neat and tidy as much as possible.I here agree that I have great interest to serve your hotel or restaurant with great commitment and punctuality. I possess a committed work ethic and a good knowledge of service and problem solving.



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