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Eva K.
0474 Oslo, Oslo
Fra 125kr /time
år med erfaring
Fra 125kr

Om Eva

24 år
Hei, this is Eva. I am 23 years old and recently graduated in Art History from the University of Vienna. My hometown is Munich, in Germany. I will be living in Oslo from late May on, during June, July and August (perhaps September) 2023 to improve my Norwegian. My babysitting experience is two years. In addition, I have performed an internship in a kindergarten and completed a first-aid course. I have experience with animal-sitting, as I was an owner of two young cats myself over a few years. Furthermore, I watched over the animals of friends and neighbors from an early age on. Last but not least, I am happy to help with various house chores such as gardening, going shopping etc. if required. I am very caring, responsible and always motivated to find creative solutions even in difficult situations. I love to spend time with children and animals and would be happy to support you in any form (regular & occasional care, after school-care, babysitting during the weekends & evenings) needed. In addition, I am very good with animals as well. I speak German, English, French and some Norwegian on a basic level. Many thanks for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Tjenester og priser

Pris per økt

Hundebarnehage 210kr. / dag
Mating 125kr. / besøk