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Silvia V.
1358 Bærum, Jar
Fra 200kr /time
år med erfaring
Fra 200kr

Om Silvia

50 år Snakker Spansk Engelsk Portugisisk (Portugal) Italiensk
Hello. My name is Silvia.I am looking for a part time job. I am Spanis and live in Jar with my husband. Skills: * I have more than 20 years of experience taking care of my own kids (I have got 3, they live in Spain. Ages 23, 18,14) *I worked more than 10 years cleaning houses. Until 2014. Then I studied a Degree in Hotel Reseption. *Have worked with other kids in a school in Spain, as english teacher 2 years and as school bus guide. *I am very dynamic and playful with kids but very very profesional with their care. *My profesion in Spain the last 3 years was as Chief of receptionists in a Hotel. So I have very good maners. *I speak spanish, english, portugues, and a bit of italian. love teaching other languages wile playing. I don't speak Nosk yet, i am studiying it and would be a great opportunity to be learning it with kids. *I am a great cook. Spanis and italian food. Mediterranean menu. *I am very patient and nice with kids. I love animals very much too. And they usually like me. *I am available from 7.00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday. If you like, I can go for an interview. I have driving licence. But I haven't got car. I can move by Tbane or bus. Tusen takk.
Ikke-røyker Vant med dyr

Erfaring med omsorg for

Småbarn (1-3 år)
Spedbarn (opp til 12 måneder)
Tenåring (12+)
Grunnskolealder (7-11 år)
Førskolealder (4-6 år)
Kan ta vare på 4 eller flere barn


Hente og levere
Matlaging/Tilberedning av mat
Lett husarbeid


Erfaring med å jobbe med funksjonshemmede
Pedagogisk erfaring