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Selena R.
9016 Tromsø, Tromsø
Fra 150kr /time
år med erfaring
Fra 150kr

Om Selena

25 år
I am a 22 y/o Italian childcarer with multiple years of experience (special needs carer and babysitting). In the past year, I have worked with a special needs child (9 y/o) multiple days a week, helping with daily routine (medications, feeding, bathing, night routine) and developing cognitive and motor skills (sensory activities, daily physical therapy). Previously I was an au pair for two families in the UK. The first with two boys, age 7 and 10 y/o, for which I worked for a year, and the second with two girls, age 3 and 6 y/o, for which I worked for six months. For both families, activities included: drop-offs and pickups, after school care, cooking, homework help, bedtime routine, evening babysitting. I am fluent in Italian (my mother tongue) and English, as I am studying in Scotland for my undergraduate degree in Biology (I am currently in exchange at UiT). In addition, I play the piano, so I have helped kids with their piano practice (depending on their level).
Ikke-røyker Vant med dyr

Erfaring med omsorg for

Førskolealder (4-6 år)
Småbarn (1-3 år)
Grunnskolealder (7-11 år)
Kan ta vare på opptil 3 barn


Fritidsaktiviteter (f.eks svømming)
Hente og levere
Matlaging/Tilberedning av mat
Lett husarbeid
Nettbasert omsorg
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