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Narmina E.
7072 Trondheim, Heimdal
Fra 250kr /time
Fra 250kr

Om Narmina

19 år
Hi, I'm Narmina! I'am 18 years old. My main languages are: English and Italian. I originally come from Denmark but I lived quite around the world due to my dad's job at the time. I have a younger brother who is 7 now but of who'm I used to help take care of when he was little and ever since I fell in love being around with kids... I am extremely creative when it comes to art and therefore it'll be nice to maybe do similar activities away from the electronics because we all know how it can damage those poor little eyes of the kids. I currently do not have a car but I'm very used to when it comes to using public transportation.
Vant med dyr

Erfaring med omsorg for

Førskolealder (4-6 år)
Grunnskolealder (7-11 år)
Kan ta vare på opptil 2 barn


Fritidsaktiviteter (f.eks svømming)
Matlaging/Tilberedning av mat
Lett husarbeid