Milica K.
6005 Ålesund, Ålesund
Fra 300kr
Om Milica
33 år
I lived and worked with a family in Frankfurt from 17. May 2018 until 9. May 2019. I provided care of two boys aged 1 and 3 years old. My duties were : - Waking up the children, get them dressed and ready for kindergarten and prepare their breakfast. - Pick-up children from kindergarten, prepare lunch and watch them in the afternoon. - Diferent activities with the kids such as playing, visiting the zoo, the park, the playground, draw with them, do handicrafts, bake and cook with them, take them to sports or music classes. - Keep the children's rooms and toys tidied up. - Cook dinner for the family - Babysit in the evening and take children to bed if parents are out. - Care for the children when they were ill. During my au-pair stay I also babysat the children from friends of my host family. I also have a reference letter from.
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