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Marie Andrea B.
1407 Ås, Vinterbro
Fra 200kr /time
Ansatt 1 gang
år med erfaring
Fra 200kr

Om Marie Andrea

31 år Snakker Tagalog Norsk
Hi,my name is Marie and I want to be help you out for everyday liles by taking care of your children, First in 2015-2017 I been au pair in denmark with 2 kids in the family 2 and 5 years old,2017-2018 here in norway family with 2 kids 2 and 4 years old and last family that i worked for 2018-2019 with 2 kids 2 years old and 6 years old ,As in my experiences I worked to them as they are my families and love them with all of my heart ,i do cooking,picking up&delivering the kids,bathing the kids,playing and etc.I love taking care of kids even before and especially i have my own child on my own now.My main language is phillipines ,I can speak well english and norsk (not yet perfect still learning in norse kurs).I am assuring you that your kids are in the good hand ,I Am hoping thay you can find this match in your needs, thank you.

Erfaring med omsorg for

Småbarn (1-3 år)
Spedbarn (opp til 12 måneder)
Grunnskolealder (7-11 år)
Førskolealder (4-6 år)
Kan ta vare på opptil 3 barn


Hente og levere
Matlaging/Tilberedning av mat
Lett husarbeid


Sertifikat som barnepleier
Gjennomgått førstehjelpskurs
Pedagogisk erfaring