Leoni T.
1369 Bærum, Stabekk
Fra 150kr
Om Leoni
24 år
Hei, my name is Leoni and I am from Germany. I know German, English, Spanish and I am also working on my Norwegian. I just finished High-School and I want to start studying next year. I am an active person who loves to play football or do other kind of sports. Thanks to my little brother I got some experience with taking care of children. I like to play with them or teach them something new. At the moment I am also giving some private classes in German.
Har eget transportmiddel
Vant med dyr
Erfaring med omsorg for
Grunnskolealder (7-11 år)
Kan ta vare på opptil 3 barn
Fritidsaktiviteter (f.eks svømming)
Matlaging/Tilberedning av mat
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