Lavinia N.
1360 Bærum, Fornebu
Fra 100kr
Om Lavinia
27 år
I am a 23 yo girl, positive, optimistic, responsable and perseverent type of person. I love children with all my heart and i hope to have the chance to prove it. I have a lot of experience with kids because i worked as a teacher for few years and i volunteared a lot in this field.
I am also a student(online in this time) and i hope to become a writer. I like to read SF books, i am a huge fan of Harry Potter(like the rest of the world-LOL) and Narnia. My favourite book of all time is "Gone on the wind". I read it almost evey year since i descover it because it makes me understand better the passing of time. If i chached up your attention, i really hope to meet you.
Vant med dyr
Erfaring med omsorg for
Spedbarn (opp til 12 måneder)
Grunnskolealder (7-11 år)
Har erfaring med tvillinger/trillinger
Kan ta vare på opptil 3 barn
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Matlaging/Tilberedning av mat
Fritidsaktiviteter (f.eks svømming)
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Gjennomgått førstehjelpskurs
Gjennomgått livredningskurs