Emeline C.
4314 Sandnes, Sandnes
Fra 125kr
Om Emeline
36 år
I am a 32 years old french woman who are installed in Stavanger/Sandnes since 6 years and I offer my services as a dag mamma / nanny as soon as you need. I am also a mum, so I am used to take care of children !
I worked as a nanny with 7 families in Stavanger since 6 years. I ensure the safety and the comfort of the children from birth to 12 years old. I set up some daily walks if weather and children's health permit, and trips in barnehage. I organized activities like painting, cooking, singing... I cook meals and do baths as parents instructions.
I have a french youth leader certificate (BAFA) and a master degree in psychology. I have more than 10 years of experience in this field. Particularly thanks to daily extracurricular activity with children when I was in France and a full-time activity in Stavanger.
I live in Sandnes, I have a drivers license and a car. I can take car of your children at my place, I have all the necessary materials (stoler, stellebord, lekegrind, leker, etc.). Or at your place if you prefer !
I speak French, English and a little bit norwegian (I take some courses to improve my norwegian skills!)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me ! :)
Har eget transportmiddel
Vant med dyr
Erfaring med omsorg for
Spedbarn (opp til 12 måneder)
Grunnskolealder (7-11 år)
Har erfaring med tvillinger/trillinger
Kan ta vare på opptil 2 barn
Matlaging/Tilberedning av mat
Fritidsaktiviteter (f.eks svømming)
Gjennomgått førstehjelpskurs