Experienced Cleaning Lady
My name is Annisa, 25 years old, from Indonesia.
I would like to find a part time job in Ede because I just enrolled for a Dutch Course in Wageningen University. In October, I would like to apply to one of their master program in WUR (Tourism). But, my family can't afford my tuition fee here, so I have to find the money on my own to pay the tuition, and of course find a scholarship from the univeristy.
I have experience in several area. Back in Indonesia, I worked as a primary school teacher, Math tutor, Data Analyst in a ministry in Indonesia, and as a cleaning lady in my parent's dan sisters' houses.
I hope my experience is good enough to help me find a part time job here.
Since I have a sister who live in Ede, I will stay with her until I could get to pay my own rent.