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1094 Amsterdam, Oost
Vanaf 30 /uur
jaar ervaring
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Over Yineth

42 jaar oud
Hey there dear parents! As an experienced Teacher from Colombia, a mother and auntie I come with tons of patience and love for kids. I really enjoy my time with the little ones, discovering, creating and learning about the amazing world that surrounds us. Based on my training, I can also offer care and learning for your children using either the Montessori or Waldorf pedagogy. I am a responsible and dedicated person, with a multicultural background, I understand what it is like to live in a country that is not your place of birth, I've lined and cared for children in Thailand, Ecuador and Colombia prior to relocating to the Netherlands 7 years ago. In the Netherlands I have been working as a nanny, ocasional babysitter or Spanish teacher depending on the families and kids needs. My experience caring for children at home ranges with newborns and toddlers and I've been a teacher to adolescents and adults as well. I am an avid reader and dancer as hobbies and of course I can share that with your kids. If u plan a weekend out, a party night or need help with homework or someone to keep and eye on your kid meanwhile you are working I am here, feel free to send me a message for further information.
Niet-roker Comfortabel met huisdieren

Ervaring met verzorging van

Kleuter (4-6 jaar)
Peuter (1-3 jaar)
Baby (tot 12 maanden)
Puber (12+ jaar)
Basisschoolleeftijd (7-11 jaar)
Kan voor max 2 kinderen zorgen


Virtuele zorg
Kinderen in bed stoppen