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Maastricht Limburg, 6211
Vanaf 10 /uur
jaar ervaring
Vanaf 10

Over Katia

25 jaar oud
Hello parents! My name is Katia, I am 20 years old, speak both English and German, and am currently studying in Maastricht. I used to regularly babysit for a family in the United States (three children aged 0-6 years old) before I moved to Europe, and I have a little brother and sister who I watched grow up from the moment they were born. I love spending time with kids of all ages and really miss babysitting. I am very responsible, energetic, patient, and flexible. Whether your child likes arts and crafts or playing sports outside, I am super excited to get to spend time with them in any way you would like. My little brother and sister were born prematurely, so I am certified in newborn CPR and know how to care for children of all ages. I am more than happy to provide you with more information about my experience and supply you with references of previous families I babysat for. If you would like some extra time for yourself or the occasional date night, please do not hesitate to reach out!
Niet-roker Comfortabel met huisdieren

Ervaring met verzorging van

Kleuter (4-6 jaar)
Peuter (1-3 jaar)
Baby (tot 12 maanden)
Basisschoolleeftijd (7-11 jaar)
Heeft ervaring met tweelingen en meerlingen
Kan voor max. 3 kinderen zorgen


Activiteiten (bv zwemmen)
Licht huishoudelijk werk
Virtuele zorg
Meer bekijken


Babysitter training