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3038 Rotterdam, Bergpolder
Vanaf 9 /uur
jaar ervaring
Vanaf 9

Over Camille

28 jaar oud
If you want your dog to be loved, get their own private photoshoot, and make an animal-lover happy, then I am your girl! I owned two dogs when I was growing up and since I have moved away, I am constantly looking for any chance to be around animals. I am a huge lovers of all animals, and I even adopted a stray kitten off of the streets when I lived in Istanbul. I get along well with all dogs and I do not discriminate - all dogs are amazing beautiful creatures! My previous dogs back home were a pitbull / labrador mix and a potcake (stray dog ​​from the islands of Turks & Caicos). I treat every dog ​​as my own because I believe that they can only respect you if you respect them. I have experience with dog-walking, where I was walking the dog of the mother of a friend. We would go for nice long walks around Kralingse Bos, sometimes I would even take him jogging with me. Also, he was the subject of many lovely photographs I took in the nature. :) With me, your dog can expect unlimited cuddles and a happy fun time, and you can expect that they are in the right hands as well as receiving updates as desired!

Ervaring met verzorging van

Kleine honden: < 10 kg
Grote honden: 20-30 kg
Middelgrote honden: 10-20 kg

Diensten en prijzen

Prijs per uur

Dierentransport €7 / uur

Prijs per sessie

Dagelijks voeren €10 / bezoek
Dagelijks uitlaten €7 / wandeling
Dagopvang van honden €25 / dag