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Larissa Cristiani.
Antwerpen Vlaams Gewest, 2018
Vanaf 10 /uur
jaar ervaring
Vanaf 10

Over Larissa Cristiani

21 jaar oud Spreekt Portugees (Portugal) Engels Spaans
Hello! Nice to meet you I'm Larissa, I'm 20 years old, I'm from Brazil and I'm looking forward to talk to you! I love working with kids! I enjoy doing hands-on activities, painting, drawing, going to the parks and playground. I make effort to understand their individual personalities, adjust how I care for them based on what they need. I can have small conversations with kids who just speak dutch! Also, while still in Brazil I worked as an assistant in a daycare, where I learned about the basic needs of babies and toddlers. Playing, feeding, changing the diaper, all the babies routine. Later, I took care of a 1 year old boy, spending the entire day with him. I also had the experience of working with 3 children (6 months, 3 years and 6 years old). Currently I work taking care of two kids (3 and 4 years old). I'm available for occasional care (or regular if our schedules fit) !
Niet-roker Comfortabel met huisdieren

Ervaring met verzorging van

Peuter (1-3 jaar)
Baby (tot 12 maanden)
Puber (12+ jaar)
Basisschoolleeftijd (7-11 jaar)
Kleuter (4-6 jaar)
Kan voor 4 of meer kinderen zorgen


Breng- en haalservice
Licht huishoudelijk werk
Kinderen in bed stoppen
Activiteiten (bv zwemmen)
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