Housekeeping & Home Services
Daily responsibilities of life become a little more tedious during the golden years.
Taking these difficulties into account we offer multiple housekeeping services including: Laundry , Dishes , Windows , Floors, Organization of possessions , Counter-tops,Bathrooms , Bedrooms
Personal Care
Personal Care services include: Eating, Bathing, Dressing , Ambulation , Toileting, Incontinence , Skin Checks , Assistance performing prescribed exercises , Meal Preparation
Shopping Services
$20.00 per store visit plus finances for intended purchase, Receipts and remaining funds will be presented upon completion of service.
Daily Wellness Checks and Monitoring
A daily wellness checkup to assure that well being, mental and physical faculties, and overall general condition is in healthy order.
Comfort Care and Companionship
Companionship and Comfort Care services include: Companion care, Comfort services and pampering for those at the end of life stage, Dementia support for caregivers and elders , Respite support for those at the end of life, Support and Compassion
Respite Care
Respite care is that allows a break for the caregiver. It provides them with an opportunity to rest and/or tend to personal affairs or business. Long-term respite care would require advanced notice and would consist of more than 8 hours For example, a caregiver needs to be away for a weekend (Rates dependent upon circumstance)
Education and Training
Education and Training services include: How to secure the home, How to comply with physician prescribed diets, How to identify hazards and remove them, Proper body mechanics for caregivers, Helping find services from local resources
I.T. Services
Free Consultation and system diagnostics. Unless Nick is able to perform completed service, charges will not be placed. General services include installation, setup, management, repair, and recovery. … show more