I have 3 children. I'd love to have them all practice spanish (this could come from a separate tutor this isn't a requirement) My oldest he is 10 and struggles with reading. My middle child she is 8 and she struggles with speech so reading is kind of a struggle in school. They don't understand her so I believe practicing reading will help in both areas. She is slightly behind in math but not a major concern. I'd prefer reading help. My youngest is 7. He is struggling all around. He had behavior issues in school. This impacted his grades SO MUCH. He barely knows things he needed to know in kindergarten much less 1st grade. He struggles recognizing ABSs and 123s so help all around is what we need! I've never had help before so I dont know how this works or the best way to fulfill their needs... I'm open to suggestions!
Subject Areas: Math, English, Foreign Language