First off, I am the Grandparent who wants what's best for my grandchild, so I decided to start looking around. I desire a teacher-tutor who had patience, and has good judgment should there be problematic areas. I, personally, have noticed that my grandchild has a short attention span, but being 4 years old, she quite intelligent and a quick learner. However, I do see a problematic area where calmness is concerned. She is an only child; this too could be a factor due to lack of interaction. She's almost a duplicate of me, in that, she's head strong and unlike me, she's a little demanding, this could also be because of "How" my daughter's rearing her-very independent already. I do hope this information is helpful because this is "My research," and I haven't conversed with my daughter yet, but I plan to; I just wanted to be proactive.
Subject Areas: Other