Seeking PT Sunday Com Hab worker for 27-year-old sweet young woman living on the UWS with her parents and small dog. N. has CP and uses a wheelchair and is non-verbal. She uses an AAC device with her eyes to help her speak. N. is a warm, friendly, intelligent, caring, social person. She understands everything and has a facial expression for yes. Qualities desired are an upbeat, happy and caring personality, intelligence, and physical ability to help transfer. N. can weight bear. On Sundays you will accompany N. to her fun program on the UWS and afterwards go shopping, or to fun activiites. You will be trained in all aspects including G tube feedings, and will assist with pers. hygiene. Pay is $30 - 33. 50 an hour paid through the NYS Self Direction Program. Also possible to work Wednesdays and some Saturdays.