Looking for a caregiver to help my special needs son, Z. I am looking for your help to spend time with my special needs son helping him practice navigating in his electric wheelchair, play games with a special hand input device to help exercise his hands, practice drinking from a straw. Z. is a happy smiley kid most of the time who likes routine. He has a limited vocabulary. He has Cerebral Palsy that inhibits his ability to move & also has cognitive deficits. Z. understands a lot more speech than he produces. Z. weighs about 100lbs, is 22 years old. He cannot walk unless he has a lot of hands-on help or is in his gait trainer (a fancy walker that keeps him safe while he propels himself). Z. likes working hard when he knows what is expected of him and has good sense of humor. may also expand to include feeding him his meals and drink