Mentor For 33-Year-Old Male. $22 An Hour.
This position is part-time with flexible days/hours. Looking for a mentor/companion to help our 33-year-old-son…
Mentor For 33-Year-Old Male. $22 An Hour.
This position is part-time with flexible days/hours. Looking for a mentor/companion to help our 33-year-old-son with basic life skills. Our son has high functioning Autism, anxiety, ADHD, and some mental health challenges. All mentor's activities fees and meals are reimbursed when with our son. Payment is provided through the self-direction program. He has a part-time job, loves music, playing video games, creating animations, watching movies, having conversations about the latest hot topics, skateboarding, and going for walks. Looking for someone who is a good listener, with perseverance, patience, energy, and a sense of humor. Minimum requirement of high school/GED diploma and driver's license.