Looking for a part-time caregiver to assist me. 48-year-old Disabled Mom of two grown men. Neither live at home. And help keep me occupied, help with medication management, take to Dr. Appt. I broke my neck in 2012 I'm fused from C3-7 this caused some mobility problems at times. Also severe pain. Unfortunately I severely damaged my vagus nerve. This nerve floats so you can't isolate it. Therefore I have the worst case scenario. I have severe gastroparesis. I'm a tube dependent person. I have a GJ tube, meaning I vent through the g or stomach and feed into my J port which is into my jejunum. I'm not able to eat enough by mouth for hydration and nutrition needs. I'm currently in a bad flare and have lost 70 lbs. Since October. Nothing is absorbing. ADHD, Food Allergies in Goodyear. Ideal match will meet the requirements below.