About who needs care: Has HES. Had strokes. Mind is good and can communicate well. Lost a lot of use of the left side of his body. Is in a wheelchair. Has significant loss of site. Needs assistance getting up, bathed and dressed and assisted into the family room. At night he needs assistance getting into his bedroom, undressed and put in bed. He lives with my elderly parents who have been his primary caregivers for several years. It is getting more difficult for them and they need help. About the care needs: It is a physical job. That said, my 79 yo father and 79 yo mother have done it for years. My brother has developed a very specific morning routine and it is important to him and I know he will need to maintain it so it is important that the provider understands that and is willing to learn it and assist him. Services needed include: feeding, bathing / dressing, and mobility assistance.
Mobility Assistance
Bathing / Dressing