About who needs care: She is very social but can't leave the house on her own anymore. She is frail but gets around her house pretty well (uses cane and occasionally a walker). She is still dealing with cognitive aftereffects of anesthesia from a recent abdominal surgery, and needs prompting to take pills, administer glaucoma eyedrops, and to eat and drink enough. She has a 15-year-old Havanese (small) dog. She is interested in her garden (but can't actively garden anymore), music, and her dog. She is strictly gluten free. Ideal day: she would be woken up, prompted to take her morning pills and eyedrops, have some breakfast. Then she's pretty good on her own until lunch, then good on her own until dinnertime (which could be afternoon). After dinner she needs prompting for evening pills and eyedrops. Sometimes she needs help picking out clothes. She is fine in the bathroom (but does wear Depends) and can bathe herself (If someone else is in the house at the time.) I (son) live close by (about 1. 5 miles away) About the care needs: Mom would like caregiver to be female. Would be good if you like dogs. Services needed include: meal preparation, errands / shopping, light housekeeping, feeding, and bathing / dressing.
Bathing / Dressing
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation
Errands / Shopping