About who needs care: Showing signs of memory loss. Has low confidence in directions when driving. Has no computer skills. She wants to be more social and active than she is but her lack of confidence in her mental and physical abilities and driving confidence holds her back. She had to stop working about 2 years ago because of her mental weaknesses. Her family is in Canada and wants to help her move back to Canada- she wants to move back as well- but any type of paper work, bank work, e-mails, etc. overwhelms her so quickly, she needs someone to help guide her. About the care needs: Someone who respects (no swearing, kind hearted, etc.). Her relationship with God is very important so the caregiver would have to be okay with that; she's not pushy with her Christianity or anything though, it's just very much part of her identity. She is not particularly political, she's never had much interest in any of that and barely follows any of what's currently happening now; she's Canadian. Someone who will help empowerment rather than enable her weaknesses. She loves to have a good laugh and loves to have fun. She has two cats. The care giver would need to have some basic understanding of computers to help her log into accounts, access her e-mail, write e-mails, and be willing to help her navigate paperwork associated with returning to Canada (her children, who live in Canada, would be available via e-mail and phone to lead and coordinate the process with her). She does get overwhelmed and frustrated very quickly by computers, paperwork, and other things her brain has difficulty comprehending. She hasn't been tested for onset dementia, but there are definitely some signs. She's still quite independent but needs some help remembering how to make recipes, or which street will get her to the bank, things like that. Services needed include: transportation, meal preparation, errands / shopping, light housekeeping, and companionship.
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation
Errands / Shopping
Transportation Required