About who needs care: This would be an intermittent position . Every 3 weeks, one day as I need to go to Columbus . An additional day sometimes for other Dr appointments. An occasional evening/early night so that my husband and I could go out to eat dinner and get a break together. I will manage her medication if medication will need to be given while we are not here. The patient (my mother-in-law) just needs someone here with her for safety. and companionship. I would need someone on December 12th at 9:00 am- -3:00 p.m. And December 24th, 4 p.m. -10 p.m. I will pay time and a half for December 24th. And probably again around January 3rd . Im not sure of the time yet. About the care needs: A more mature person that can talk about the 50s & 60s. My MIL has no filter and sometimes says very inappropriate things. She has moderate dementia. So someone that does not get easily offended and can meet her where she's at. She used to love to garden and feed the birds. With her diminishing eyesight, she cant see that far, so we haven't kept up on bird feed. We have pet ducks & geese on our pond. The one male goose is very vocal but he is not aggressive or wont hurt you Services needed include: companionship.