My father has Parkinson's and is mostly wheelchair bound. He can transfer from the wheelchair to the toilet, shower, chair and bed on his own. He is a fall risk though so someone has to supervise his transfers. He can move the wheelchair around the house on his own. He cannot prepare meals or do laundry, clean or do him medicines so this all needs done for him. He has recent loss of short term memory but no other signs of dementia. He will engage when engaged. He is kind. He is a big man, 6'3" and 260#. If he falls a single person cannot get him off the floor. The house is nice with two bathrooms so the caregiver would be able to use the bathroom that is not dads. The kitchen and living areas are all very nice. Family lives all around and stops by regularly. We envision a four hour shift in the morning and a four hour shift in the evening with him being alone in between and overnight. We envision a day would look as follows. Wake and ensure safe transfer to the shower and toilet (can do on own). Help with UTI test strips as he is prone to them. Breakfast in the with morning medicine. Ensure safe transfer to chair. Prepare lunch before leaving and leave out lunch medicines. Complete a load of laundry. For the evening coverage, prepare dinner and provide evening medicines. Clean up the kitchen and complete a load of laundry. Change the bed sheets weekly. Make sure dad transfers okay to the toilet and dresses okay and gets to bed before leaving. Prepare overnight needs on night stand. Dad enjoys Watching TV. Sometimes we can get him to participate in a puzzle but he struggles with them. We would be open to introducing him to other activities, but he is resistant. Nursing skills are helpful to be able to identify possible signs of low blood sugar or UTI, for example. Help with taking blood sugar and blood pressure is preferred. There is a driveway with room to park in the driveway. There are no pets.
Bathing / Dressing
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation
Medication Prompting
Errands / Shopping