About who needs care: My son age 53 blind and handicapped. He needs an escort to take him to dialysis three times week by wheelchair, and return after treatment. The treatment takes 3-4 hours during which you can do your own thing. You would be needed 8 a.m. to 11 am, and again 2:30-5:30 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. One additional day per week (2 hours) for a bath. That day is flexible. = 20 hrs/wk About the care needs: He needs someone strong enough to push the wheelchair. He loves dogs and music and sports, so some conversation would be great. He is 6 ft tall and weighs 120 lbs Services needed include: some personal care, some meal prep (breakfast, lunch on dialysis days), and some light housekeeping just to keep the area neat. Dogs in household: We have two small dogs who are very friendly.
Transportation Required