24/7 Short Term Care Opportunity 3/12 to 3/15 = $1000 pay 3/15 to 3/23 = $2000 pay You may do both short-term opportunities for $3000 9 a.m. Bring Breakfast in bed 10 a.m. Ray rises on his own & will needs toileting, cleaning and clothing. After this, Ray likes to sit in his chair for a few hours to watch TV. I turn on the faux fireplace and the TV. Ray will stay for a few hours. 12 p.m. Bring Ray Lunch - Ray likes to eat alone. Just check on him periodically. You can also see via camera. At some point Ray will want to toilet: You'll need to assist. 5 p.m. Bring Ray Dinner. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Ray will likely start pacing for the evening. He will do this until he is promoted to go to bed. 8 p.m. - Ray gets dinner # 2 9-11 p.m. Ray will appear tied. Assist him to bed. Ray will sleep all night. You will have a camera and a mat alarm should he rise. Ray loves music. He was a professional drummer. Ray likes to laugh. He loves to eat. He likes to watch comedy movies. Private parking is available. Ray's dog will be at Grandma's house during this time.
Mobility Assistance
Bathing / Dressing
Light Housekeeping
Helps Staying Physically Active
Meal Preparation