About who needs care: Ellen is 94 years old and has moderate dementia but is fairly mobile. He can walk without walker most of the time. She likes knitting, watching game shows and reading. She also likes to talk. Ellen likes to sleep till noon or even a little later. She eats breakfast between 11 and 2pm, depending on when she wakes up. She goes to sleep for the night around midnight, give or take a hour. About the care needs: A German speaking would be the perfect fit. Ellen speaks both English and German fluently. Skills interacting with with a person with dementia is crucial. Ellen can be stubborn and the ability to coax her into taking a shower and eating her food will likely be needed. Making it "her idea" is one way we have found works. Patients is a must. Talking to her with respect is also a must. She can detect someone who would rather be somewhere else.