About who needs care: 74 yrs old. One leg Amputee. Approx 260lb. Some short-term and long-term memory lost. Needs in bed sponge baths and diaper changes. Likes to watch western movies and shows. Loves trains. Ideal day the care giver would care for him from approx 7 or 8 a.m. when he wakes up. Change diaper , serve breakfast until 1030 a.m. I would show up and spend time with him, take him out shopping etc until 330 p.m. After that, the care giver would take over. He is diabetic and would need us to give him his meds and insulin as needed. About the care needs: They should be strong enough to turn the patient with his help, to clean him, change diaper, get the body harness on patient for the lift so he could be transferred to his power wheel chair via a hoyer lift. A care giver who would be willing to live-in would be ideal and would save them the cost of rent elsewhere. Services needed include: feeding, and bathing / dressing.
Bathing / Dressing