Child Care


Senior Care

Pet Care



Companion Care Needed For My Father In Brooksville

Brooksville, FL


Hourly rate

Part time

Job type

Starts July 8

About the job

About who needs care: He is beginning to show signs of dementia. Him and my mother live together but she is also in her 80's and has the normal memory...

About who needs care: He is beginning to show signs of dementia. Him and my mother live together but she is also in her 80's and has the normal memory issues that come with age so she can't always make sure everything is being done correctly. They both mostly watch t. v. all day. The can walk but very slowly and him with a cane. They have some balance issues so they don't walk much except around the house and to get the mail. My father likes to do his crossword on the back porch at 3 but that is about all they do. He makes trips to the grocery store, drug store or to get fast food to eat. I'm concerned with his memory going that it might not be a good idea for him to keep driving by himself. He used to be on his computer a lot but he has forgotten how to use it correctly. He also turns off the ringer on his phone without meaning to. He also struggles sometimes with the t. v. remote. It would just be nice to have someone there when they need help with something like the t. v., phone or driving to get something. I think they get fast food because he was cooking but may have forgotten how to use some things in the kitchen. They might not need cooking but possibly some cleaning because they aren't very good at cleaning the kitchen and putting things away when they are done. I try to take them to all their doctor appointments so I can speak with the physicians (they don't remember what to tell doctors and can't tell me what was said), but if someone could take them to visits I can't go to that would be very helpful. My mother loves crime drama television and would probably love for someone to watch it with. My father usually sits in his den and watches the news but he might watch other things if someone could help him find the show he wants to watch. I'd also like the caregiver to check each day and make sure he has taken his medication. About the care needs: I feel bad because it might be boring to watch t. v. with them the whole time, but I've tried to do other things with them like puzzles or cards and they won't or lose interest when it's difficult. I guess just willing to listen and watch some shows. Services needed include: transportation, meal preparation, errands / shopping, light housekeeping, and companionship.

Caregiver preferences

Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation
Errands / Shopping
Transportation Required

Job schedule
