About who needs care: My mom good mental for helping but is almost blind, handicapped, some hearing loss and weighs 220lb. She had diabetes, asthma and CHF. She and usually get up an ambulate on her own with a walker but needs help occasionally pulling up her pants or wiping after BM. He's unable to prepare food and she cannot see what's in the refrigerator. She's unable to change the channels on TV that's the remote. She loves playing bridge 4 days a week, but this is getting harder by the day with her vision. She also really enjoys books on tape. Help might consist of: - preparing meals - keeping her comfortable - helping her find the things she needs - changing channels or books on tape - cleaning dishes or helping around house - occasional help getting dressed / undressed - bathing if possible About the care needs: A friendly caring person who speaks clearly. Conversational. Cooking skills would be helpful. Services needed include: meal preparation, errands / shopping, light housekeeping, companionship, feeding, and bathing / dressing.
Bathing / Dressing
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation
Errands / Shopping