About who needs care: Jim has had some mild strokes and is a bit unbalanced but can walk on his own without any mobility device. He wears depends, but usually toilets on his own. I would just want someone to keep ears open for a possible fall. Wry/sardonic sense of humor, kind, doesn't talk a whole lot... sleeps quite a bit, and watches TV. We have many streaming services so finding a movie to watch together is always an option. Coffee, blueberry muffins, grapes, toast, banana slices as snacks throughout the day. If the day is nice, a walk would be nice, but he will say no 9 out of 10 times asked. About the care needs: Caregiver would be laid back, comfortable in their own skin, comfortable with long silences and watching TV. Creative about asking if he wants to play cards or go for a walk or do a puzzle even though he'll give you a long look, a smile, and say no. If there is a golf tournament on, be willing to watch golf. Caregiver would not be patronizing or bossy and would treat Jim as an equal in all ways. Services needed include: companionship.