Seeking Part time live-in home care near Lakebay for my mother in her 90s. Cash Paid. Sprite, sense of humor and very easy to care for. In bed most of day enjoying TV and DVDs or reading. Lives with our family so you have help and we take her to all doctor appointments. We cook dinner but you prepare breakfast and lunch. We have lots of good food on hand for her. She has the Purewick urinary system so sleeps all night and does not get up in middle of night. So you sleep! Takes minimum medication. You get own room during shift and shared room with Fri, Sat, Sun Caregiver we've had for 3 years. Days needed: Monday morning at 7 a.m. through Friday morning at 10 a.m. Additional responsibilities include meal preparation. Preferences for a caregiver who is a non-smoker, comfortable with pets and CPR / first-aid trained.
Bathing / Dressing
Comfortable With Pets
Has Own Transportation
Meal Preparation
Medication Prompting