About who needs care: Parent has dementia and other conditions. Some of her medications are Amiodarone Eliquis Famotidine Hydralazine Lyvothyroxine Losartan Mematine A lot of times she doesn't think shes at home and wants to leave. She thinks the house is a restaurant, movie theater, hotel, train station, anything but a house. She has about 8 cats and one dog and they are a common subject, like if they ate are not. Watching football kinda helps her get through a day but a lot of times she doesnt understand things on tv. I give her medicine morning and night, and also breakfast, lunch, dinner. She doesnt do a whole lot because her legs are weak. But if shes not sitting or sleeping then she will get up and go through things in the house, and pack things up likes shes moving out. About the care needs: A good talker and listener, someone that has a sense of humor and laughs. Im not sure about skills unless they can play piano. Mom use to play hers and still will sometimes. Thats not necessary though. I really dont know her likes and hobbies anymore. Services needed include: companionship, feeding, and bathing / dressing.
Bathing / Dressing