About who needs care: He is ambulatory but spends most of his day asleep or watching TV in bed. He is very personable and believes he doesn't need help. We would like for him to eat healthier meals and have someone nearby to prevent falls. He has fallen a few times recently and also has trouble on occasion in getting up from a seated position. He is pretty frail but has only one medical condition related to his age. His own mother lived to be 100. About the care needs: He would be happiest with someone who lets him have his space but will be friendly and caring. He has Meals on Wheels deliver meals during the week, but it would be great if they could assemble those meals on a plate and heat them up for him. He is starting to have some cognitive decline which is showing up recently in having trouble with his smartphone. Probably anyone can help fix his smartphone settings. Services needed include: feeding, and bathing / dressing.
Bathing / Dressing