About who needs care: Hello! My partner is undergoing a clinical trial at OHSU and just received CAR T-cell therapy for an autoimmune disease. He's doing great, no side effects so far. One of the guidelines is that he not be left alone for 30 days, due to seizure risk (very rare and unlikely). We had to travel for the trail so don't have friends or family locally and I'd like to work with someone to book respite care so I can take walks and run errands. We are in a comfortable 2 BR short term apartment downtown along the north waterfront. There is free parking. Caregiver would need to be here to call 911 in the event of an emergency but no other care is needed. OK to study, be online, watch TV, etc. This is a short term job, as we'll be heading back to Seattle mid-January. Services needed include: companionship.