About who needs care: Mom lives at home. We currently go to her house every morning and afternoon. She is on oxygen and does nebulizer treatments. She has short term memory loss -- will ask same questions over and over again but long term memory is good. Mom does not walk much, but is mobile. Mornings: make breakfast, put on compressions socks, sometimes give a water pill, make sure she has her oxygen on, have her do her nebulizer treatment, clean bathroom and kitchen as needed. Afternoons: nebulizer treatment, ensure she takes her medication, take blood pressure, make dinner and visit for an hour or so. Take compression socks off before we leave for day. About the care needs: Very patient, as she does ask questions over and over again. She likes to watch TV: news, game shows and the Yankees. Likes to chat about her family. Someone that will not treat her like an invalid needing care but someone who just needs a littll assistance. Services needed include: meal preparation, errands / shopping, and light housekeeping.
Light Housekeeping
Meal Preparation
Errands / Shopping