About who needs care: Family looking for someone to sit with sister, 46. She is a Type 1 Diabetic convalescing from a 6 week stay at Pardee. The reason for her stay was alcoholism and Type 1 Diabetes. She suffers from minor cognitive impairment due to both conditions. The family is looking for someone to visit with her, walk with her, eat with her. No experience with Type 1 diabetes necessary. Family will probably pop in at lunch to administer insulin if you are not familiar with the process etc.... Family expects her to recover partially. Every day is better, but for now we need 24/7 care. About the care needs: Someone social and personable. My sister is in addict so we are looking for someone who isn't easily manipulated into giving her sweet treats. Familiarity with Type 1 Diabetes would be good but not necessary. There are risked but it's easily taught. She loves crafts but she doesn't have much energy at this point. Services needed include: companionship.