About who needs care: My Dad has dementia and balance issues in addition to the diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and depression. He has no friends and the only thing he does is watch his computer. He has a dog, that he is no longer able to take outside since he utilizes a walker after another fall with fractured ribs. He has started wandering and took the car for a joyride and hit a parked car. (He hasn't driven in 5 years) My mom is fatigued and frustrated but unsure how to ask for help. She hasn't totally come to terms with this reality. His day consists of eating and sitting with his dog in a separate room from my mom. About the care needs: My dad has an amazing sense of humor and loves to tell stories and jokes. His pride is wounded due to how little his body and mind are allowing him to do these days. Someone genuine, honest and funny would be a great fit for him.